Indian Legends Inspiring Indian Business Stories

Laxmanrao Kirloskar – forerunner of Indian machine – tool industry

April 16, 2021


Laxmanrao Kirloskar – forerunner of Indian machine – tool industry

A professor, a craftsman, a social reformer, a pioneer, the machine man and the Henry Ford of India, Laxmanrao Kirloskar. Laxmanrao Kashinath Kirloskar was born on 20 June 1869 in the village of Belgaum district. He was an Indian businessman.

Early Life

In the pre-independence era, he had the courage to guide the country towards progress, equality and economic freedom. He had 5 children. His family had helped him to complete his journey towards engineering excellence. Laxmanrao’s love for machines and drawing brought him to JJ School of Art in Mumbai. Partial color blindness compelled him to quit painting. He then shifted his focus entirely to machines. He had the unwavering support of his eldest brother Ramuanna stood by him throughout his journey. His skills and engineering acumen resulted in him a job at Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute. He taught mechanical drawing there.

Birth of Kirloskar Brothers

The Kirloskar brothers were born in 1888. After resigning from VJIT, Laxmanrao Kirloskar set up a small cycle repair shop at Belgaum. But his road to that was not smooth enough. He received financial support from Shrimant Balasaheb and Rambhau Ginde served him tide over the setbacks he faced. He read books and magazines like American Machinist and Scientific American regularly.

Within no time the bicycle shop increased production hub and first fodder cutter by Kirloskar Brothers hit the market in 1901. Slowly he started accumulating money and started manufacturing ploughs. But no farmers were ready to take it as they thought that this would poison their soil. It took him about 2 years to convince the farmers that the iron plough will work fine. But when the ploughs started selling, he could not find a workshop where he could build his equipment in large numbers. Ruler of Aundh was impressed by the efforts of him and offered him land. Laxmanrao started his factory in an arid waste land by the side of a renowned railway station, named Kundal Road.

Kirloskarwadi Township

Transforming the land into a township with just 14,500rs in his pocket and about thirty factory workers was something impossible. But breaking the shackles he changed it into an astounding Township called Kirloskarwadi. He broke the discrimination of caste religion or social status and employed the workers as family.

“Kirloskarwadi is a new township where all of us live like a family. There is no room for discrimination here.” He said. Laxmanrao always referred to the factory as ‘your factory’ while talking to his people.

Keep the profit margin low and focus hard on market expansion was his business principle. When iron was short in supply he brought rusted canons as raw materials to make ploughs. Even when economic winds did not favor him he brought innovation with products like sugarcane crusher, lathe, textile machines, peanut sheller, hand pump and hospital furniture.

He sent his son Shantanu and nephew Madhav to pursue his studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His children were genius like him. They together can pursue new heights. The company had spread its wings in Harihar, Bangalore and Pune.

He started wearing Khadi as he was a strong supporter of Swadhesi. Even though he was not a philanthropist but public good was at the core of everything he did. He was a person who is so immersed in his work that he barely found time with his family. Laxmanrao was not able to be with his wife Radhabhai when she passed away.

He had become a role model for all. Kirloskarwadi was not able to bear the winds of change. Employees were with the modern labor law. He said his last goodbye to the land of his creation. He moved to Harihar for some time and continued farming.  His son, Shantanu asked him to move to Pune but he refused. He said “I shall not come here until the first oil engine comes out from the factory.” The first oil engine was out in December 1948.   

His voice remained in the minds of those he inspired. It is his very confidence that has flamed the minds of younger Kirloskars who continued to enhance the world. A person who saw everybody equally, giving no room for discrimination is truly a role model.

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